Aloha, welcome to my website <3

My name is Mudra Love & I’m so happy you found your way here.

I first learned to meditate from my father, who was a Buddhist monk. In more recent years, after becoming a mom, I discovered how to integrate my practice into a busy lifestyle, taking it off the cushion and on the go.

Programs like Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) & Mindfulness Meditation (MM), taught me how to become more aware of my thoughts, feelings, emotions, and body sensations as they arise. This cultivated awareness helps me navigate the emotional landscape of my inner world and the outer complexities we face every day.

Whether you’d like to attend a workshop or book me for private or group facilitation, I’d be happy to assist you in bringing more compassion, clarity, and mindfulness into your life.

You can learn more about me in my book, Monk’s Daughter

Purchase here